Inside I’m filled with pictures, colourful and bright
They fly in from electric screens and captivate my sight
There’s X-Box, TV, DVDs and Play Station as well
So many screeny pictures that it’s hard for me to tell
Sometimes if I am dreaming or if maybe I’m awake or
If all those screeny characters are real or if they’re fake
And when rocket loads of images go whizzing like a ride
Inside my ears and head and brain it’s then that I decide……
To go outside!
Standing up – a stretching stretch, a yawn and then I walk
The backdoor slams and on the steps the dog barks for a talk
And then I take a fresh air gulp and breathe in through my nose
And let the noisy screeny things from busy brain to toe……
Just go……...
My eyes are kind-of open, my hands are kind-of clear,
My ears are kind-of listening, ideas are getting near
The yard’s a giant paint box – sight and smell and feel and sound
The world is waiting……I stand still and dream it all around
I’m paper white, I’m paper bright, I’ve nothing written on
And soon enough some grand idea will hit me on the scone……
And then I’m gone !
I’m gone into the yard, I’m in the middle looking down
That grass has seven greens in it, that air eleven sounds
The stone I hold is rough and smooth and different all at once
The breeze is tickling in my ear, there’s still an hour till lunch
There’s blue above and green below and spider webs like lace
Hang off the iron clothes line in near every corner place
I feel and smell the real air song that licks around my legs
And squint into the blast that beams upon my young sun face
And me, a piece of paper, and all that is outside
Thought-paints itself into my head and makes my boredom hide
And then I see - from ordinary - the most amazing sight
Extraordinary pictures lit with nature’s perfect light
And I can FEEL it too - the screen of life is SO much more
A feeling ,seeing, smelling, touching screen than what’s indoors!
© Copyright Patricia Sweeney